Friday, April 16, 2010

Halfway Around the World: The Journey of a Cat Called Amadeus and a Dog Called Ewok from Deadhorse Alaska to Ushuaia, Argentina

We have usually traveled with our pets (Amadeus & Ewok) and so when we decided to do the Las Américas Trip we knew they would do the trip with us. Amadeus and Ewok had traveled internationally before (Canada, Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras) so we were aware there would be challenges such as border crossings, finding pet friendly accommodations and changing climatic conditions. We also worried about the fact that they were both 15 years old. We arrived in Deadhorse, Alaska just in time for the Summer Solstice, June 21, 2009 and then headed south through Canada, United States, Mexico, Central and South America. We completed our Deadhorse, Alaska to Ushuaia, Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina Journey on January 6th, 2010 (just after the Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere).

After we reached Ushuaia we returned to Punta Arenas, Chile for 6 days to receive cancer treatment for Ewok from caring Dr. Tatiana Lopez. We returned to Bariloche, Argentina where our beloved Ewok died on January 18th. Amadeus, John and I miss her. She was a very special dog. Just showing her photo on my i-phone got us at a hotel room at many places that would not normally accept dogs.

We shipped our SUV from Valparaiso, Chile early April. Our plans are to stay in South America until May 10, 2010. Amadeus flew on LAN Chile from Santiago to Buenos Aires on April 13th and later will fly to the US on Continental Airlines. His summer travel plans include British Columbia and Guatemala.

This i-movie covers the journey of “a cat called Amadeus” and “a dog called Ewok” from Deadhorse Alaska to Ushuaia, Argentina.

Santiago, Chile
April 13, 2010

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